Friday 22nd March
Stream 1: Auditorium, Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre
Session chair: Catherine Redgwell, Chichele Professor of Public International Law, Department of Law, University of Oxford, UK
0900-0930 Reforming the (ab)use of science in law: methods for communicating science to improve legal decision making
Yaffa Epstein, Uppsala University, Sweden
0930-1000 Protection status and jurisdictional mismatches in the shadow of trophy hunting
Annecoos Wiersema, University of Denver, USA, Floor Fleurke, Tilburg University, Netherlands
1000-1030 The US Endangered Species Act as a tool for de-facto sanctions
Catherine Semcer, Property and Environmental Research Centre, Bozeman, USA
1030-1100 Leopards (Panthera pardus) and wildlife treaties – transboundary cooperation to improve the fate of the world’s most international big cat
Arie Trouwborst, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Session chair: Andrew Rowan, WellBeing International, USA
1130-1152 Conservation lessons from moments of ‘moral panic’: Marius, Cecil, Harambe, Tilikum, and Xanda
Mucha Mkono, University of Queensland, Australia
1152-1215 Giving voice to humans and non-humans: inclusion and justice in use of natural resources
Phyllis Lee, University of Stirling, UK, and C. Hoffman, A. Schapper
1215-1237 Did we ask wolves whether they consent to be managed?
Guillaume Chapron, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden and Yaffa Epstein, Uppsala University, Sweden
1237-1300 The Anthropocene: geopolitical challenges and opportunities for conservation ethics
Bernhard Malkmus, Newcastle University, UK
Stream 2: Nash Suite
Session chair: Paul Johnson, WildCRU, Zoology, University of Oxford, UK
0900-0930 Bosses, baddies, and “baby-huggers”: the ethics of fundraising in orangutan rehabilitation
Ally Palmer, University of Oxford, UK
0930-1000 Removing barriers to family planning, empowering sustainable environmental conservation
David Johnson, Margaret Pyke Trust, Population and Sustainability Network
1000-1030 Biology, radical conservatism and the origins of geopolitics
Ian Klinke, University of Oxford, UK
1030-1100 The congealing nature of world heritage: emergent properties of ‘kinservation’
Daisy Sutcliffe, University of Glasgow, UK
Session chair: Craig Packer, University of Minnesota, USA
1130-1148 The impact of climate change on community-based wildlife management: a case study from northwest Namibia
Stefan Carpenter, Indiana University, USA
1148-1206 Using cross-country comparisons to explore patterns in livestock management and reduce human-carnivore conflict
Laura Perry, University of Oxford, UK
1206-1224 Human – leopard conflict and conservation measure in Himalayan region of Pakistan
Asma Jabeen and Arooj Fatima, Fatima Jinnah Womens University, Pakistan
1224-1242 Mitigating human-wildlife conflict using the Thomas Kilmann instrument
B.M. Mandara, Christ University, Bengaluru, India
1242-1300 Human-wildlife coexistence: a utopia
Aenne Post, Kisumu, Kenya
Stream 3: Hinton Room
Session chair: Dr Tom Moorhouse, WildCRU, University of Oxford, UK
Tom Moorhouse in conversation with Joseph Mbaiwa, David Ville and, Jessica Bell Rizzolo, with discussants Noel Mbise, Edwin Tambara, Abhishek Ghoshal
Session chair: EJ Milner-Gulland, ICCS, Zoology, University of Oxford, UK
1130-1148 Monitoring of illegal ivory trade in Kenya: the analysis controversy and geopolitics
Shadrack Ngene, Kenya Wildlife Service, Kenya
1148-1206 Targeting wildlife crime interventions
Stephanie Romañach, U.S. Geological Survey, USA, and Sally Faulkner, Michael Stevens, Peter Lindsey, Steven Le Comber
1206-1224 cancellation
1224-1242 Social media as an influencer: insights from pangolins and otters
Lauren Harrington, WildCRU, Zoology, University of Oxford, UK
1242-1300 Monitoring illegal trade in snow leopards: 2003 to 2014: addressing geopolitical constraints
Aishwarya Maheshwari, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, India
Friday 22nd March PM: Auditorium, Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre
Session chair: David Macdonald
1430-1500 Academia, international wildlife trade, and effective conservation: is there really common ground?
Rodrigo Medellin, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
1500-1530 Who cares pays; or do they?
Craig Packer, University of Minnesota, USA
1530-1600 Questions and answers, discussion
Panel session chair: David Macdonald
1630-1750 Panel discussion and synthesis with:
Cosmin Corendea, Rosaleen Duffy, David Johnson, Dominic Johnson, Craig Packer and Mark Stanley-Price
1750-1800 Farewell reflections
David Macdonald