Wednesday 20th March
Wednesday 20th March - Auditorium, Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre
0900-0920 A welcome and a purpose: The Conservation geopolitics Forum – how we got here and where we’re going
David Macdonald, Director of WildCRU, Zoology, University of Oxford, UK
Session chair: David Macdonald, Director of WildCRU, Zoology, University of Oxford, UK
0920-0945 Global food and conservation
Sir Charles Godfray, Director of Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford, UK
0945-1010 Human-wildlife conflict
Alexandra Zimmermann, IUCN and WildCRU, Zoology, University of Oxford, UK
1010-1035 The continuum between climate change, conservation and human mobility
Cosmin Corendea, Jindal Global University Law School, India
1035-1100 The central role of connectivity in conservation geopolitics
Samuel Cushman, Director of the Center for Landscape Science, US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USA
Session chair: Tim Hodgetts, WildCRU, Zoology and Worcester College, University of Oxford, UK
1130-1155 Economic development, tourism and conservation
Joseph Mbaiwa, University of Botswana
1155-1220 Econ 101: a threat to biodiversity
Kate Raworth, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, UK
1220-1300 Keynote: Infrastructure armageddon and the world's rarest ape
William Laurance, James Cook University, Australia
Session chair: Claudio Sillero, Deputy Director of WildCRU, Zoology, University of Oxford, UK
1430-1455 Overcoming anarchy: the good, the bad, and the ugly of international politics
Dominic Johnson, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, UK
1455-1520 International Law
Catherine Redgwell, Department of Law, University of Oxford, UK
1520-1545 Thinking (geo)politically: A political ecology of conservation and global security
Rosaleen Duffy, University of Sheffield, UK
Session chair: Amy Dickman, Senior Research Fellow, WildCRU, Zoology, University of Oxford, UK
1615-1640 Economic drivers and solutions to conservation
Cameron Hepburn, Smith School, University of Oxford, UK
1640-1705 Environmental geopolitics: an inquiry into geographical knowledge in conservation
Shannon O’Lear, University of Kansas, USA
1705-1730 Conserving biodiversity on purpose: the role of ethics in solving an interdisciplinary problem
John Vucetich, Michigan Technological University, USA
Panel chair: Richard Damania, Global Lead Economist, World Bank
Cameron Hepburn, William Laurance, Joseph Mbaiwa, Edmond Moukala, Shannon O’Lear, John Vucetich